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Factors to consider before buying an Old house

Finding your place where you can fit it is not that easy especially if you are looking for a cozy and old styled house to stay. Old houses offer you uniqueness and character that will most likely standout from others. Not to include it’s much lesser than to buy a new build house. But still, there are factors to consider before buying an Old house.

Old house lovers just barge in without thinking first the maintenance and upkeep needed for an Old house. This list will help you know what important things to consider and check before buying an Old house.

Old or Substandard Plumbing and Electrical Wires:

Before buying a house check and evaluate its wiring and pipes. Ask when they last replaced it, make sure it is up to code to secure that they are running safely and efficiently. Remember, rewiring and renewing plumbing is expensive and takes a long time to do. Corroded pipes can cause leaks and old wiring can cause a fire. So better check on these things first.

Foundation and Structure of the House:

Before buying you must not forget that what you will get is an Old house. Houses no matter how strong it was built still degrade overtime. Its foundation and structure must be checked.

Check for any forms of cracks, unevenness on its foundation. Uneven floor, cracked tile, and visible wall cracks are signs of foundation problem so better check on it. Repairs on foundation and structure can escalate to over $10,000 you must also consider this when negotiating.

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Possible Hazardous Materials and Leaks:

One problem you will encounter in buying Old houses is it may contain hazardous materials or gas leaks. Asbestos and lead is very harmful to our health and also to its surrounding environments. Asbestos and Lead Paint is most commonly used in old houses.

Asbestos was used as fire retardant to buildings before it was banned. While Lead paint will be expected in old houses because it was commonly used before. You will need to consider the cost of removal for these materials. Check for these before negotiating make sure all hazardous materials and leaks are out of the house before moving.

Non-functioning Alarms and Detectors:

In regards to fire and security issues, old houses is something outdated in this concern. Remember, Fire alarms and detectors are required in every home. Check whether they are working properly or not. It is sometimes forgotten when buying a home to check for these issues. Alarms and Detectors must be updated or replaced and must not be included in the price of the old house you bought. Newer versions of smoke detectors and alarms can now be connected to any smartphone. Plan ahead, and include it to your wish list in buying your old house.

Moisture and Roof Leaks:

Roofs are most likely not checked during your inspection. Reasons are that it is “hard to reach” and is a hassle thing to do. When doing a house inspection bring with someone who could do this.

See if there are signs of moisture, search for evidence of staining, and ask questions if the house has gutter problems. This problem can cause you a headache during storm and rainy season. Problematic roofing can also cause you a lot of money during repairs and maintenance so better check for it also.

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Overall insulation is very important especially now that it is winter season. You don’t want to spend as much money from the original price of the house just to buy a big heater for whole house. Check its insulation, make sure it is in good place and no or less replacement can be done. Old houses sometimes have heaters that use oil. That’s a big no-no! Maintaining it could cause your savings to pour in your insulation. Before negotiating make sure the insulation of the old house is still good and working.

Pests and Rodent Infestation:

Old house has this, let’s face it. In fact, they have been living there long before it was even thought of being sold. What you can do is ask for the realtors to do a massive pest control and extermination first before you move in. Also, ask this before you agree and pay that old house of yours. Pest extermination and rodent control can cost you bucks for sure, not to think the problems it will give to you.
So better put in mind these factors. See to it that realtors will make sure the place is free of any pests and rodents.

Gas Leak:

One of the most common gas leaks in old houses is radon. Radon is carcinogen it is created by the natural breakdown of uranium in soil, water and rock. Radon when trapped is very dangerous to human health.

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buying an old house pros and cons

It is a cancer-causing radioactive gas that can lead to lung cancer. Many houses built in the 70’s and 80’s don’t know this problem, that is why old houses have a probability of a radon buildup in the area.Radon test must be conducted first before buying your old house to make sure the house is free from it.

Floor and Wall Conditions:

No matter how the houses are strongly built. Because of the age its floors and walls are surely not in 100% condition. Check for cracks or any signs of damage. It is very important to check its integrity before transferring to it. Sellers sometimes hide it by using tons of wallpaper and double coating paints. So better have an inspection for it.

Inexperienced Realtors:

Realtors can be a big help in looking for your perfect home. (if they know what they are doing). You will need someone beside you a skilled and professional agent that knows what to do and what to inspect.

Luckily, Ace Home Offer is here for you. They will do the talking and inspections for you. They are trained professionals who are well versed in Real Estate marketing. Ace Home Offer is a company that helps connects buyers and sellers of property. They are a group of licensed real estate professionals. They are focused on bringing you the best deal for that old house you’re looking.

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